Image of Manxx, The Magician. A minimalistic black and white cartoonized cat on a teal background. Manxx has a melting face appearance, two empty eyes, a magical third eye, and two slits on their left ear.

Who is Manxx?


Manxx's Signature


The Magician


May • N • X


  • Watching snails leave their trails

  • The metamorphosis of moths and butterflies

  • Morning fog

  • The smell of summer rain

  • Looking at all sides, but ultimately the bright side


  • When people stare

  • Spiders and cobwebs

  • Impulsive behavior

  • Conformity

The Art of Magic

Meet Manxx, a Magician archetype who embodies the transformative power of creativity and intuition. Magicians like Manxx are quiet and insightful, possessing a deep understanding of the hidden workings of the universe. They have a unique ability to see beyond the surface level of things and connect disparate ideas to create something new and transformative.

Magicians are often associated with healing and the ability to bring clarity to life's complexities. As a Magician, Manxx possesses a great power of collectiveness and understanding, which allows him to guide others towards personal transformation and growth. However, he dislikes anything that stifles personal freedom or creativity, such as conformity or impulsive behavior. Despite this, Manxx always seeks to find the beauty in life, even in the face of adversity.

Are you and Manxx alike?
Still not sure?

Take our archetype quiz to see which NEEKZ character you're most like!

P.S. remember, archetypes are found throughout humanity and you can embody many archs — the good AND the bad — the key is to embrace our similarities and understand our differences — much love! ♥

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