Image of Gregore, The Sage. A minimalistic black and white cartoonized dragon with large horns on a forest green background. Gregore has large eyes and a large smiling mouth showing his teeth and tongue.

Who is Gregore?


Gregore's Signature


The Sage


Greh • Gore


  • Beetles
  • Bees
  • Moss
  • Early mornings at the library
  • Coffee
  • Poetry
  • Being silly amongst others


  • Silence
  • Being in one place for too long
  • Grumpy folk
  • Dust


  • Wise beyond years
  • Insightful
  • Respectable
  • Able to navigate challenges
  • Curious
  • Adventurous
  • Empathetic
  • Honest
  • Light-hearted


  • An over-thinker - often feeling analysis paralysis
  • Perfectionist
  • Self-isolating
  • Difficulty relating to others
  • Unable to express inner emotions authentically
  • Focused on the abstract, making it hard to find solutions

A lifelong learner

The Sage arch, Gregore, is full of wisdom, expertise, and insight on the world at large. so hyper and overly-confident when sharing their vast knowledge that some may take them to be a bit “too-much”. Despite their wired nature, the Sage is often the most honest and genuine arch.

Are you and Gregore alike?
Still not sure?

Take our archetype quiz to see which NEEKZ character you're most like!

P.S. remember, archetypes are found throughout humanity and one may embody many archs — the good AND the bad — the key is to embrace our similarities and understand our differences — much love! ♥

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All things ✨GREGORE✨

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